Madhu Community Beekeeping

Beekeeping as a Community Activity

Location: Vig, Denmark
Founding Date: February 2019
Partnering Orzanization: Ananda Gaorii, Ashram Farm and Learning Center

How we help:


Project Development


Courses in Project Marketing


Courses in Project Financing


Courses in Sustainable Beekeeping

Financed by the European Volunteering Service (EVS), Pollinator Ambassadors provided the Ashram, Farm and Learning Center Ananda Gaorii with five beehives and the needed equipment. As Ananda Gaorii’s residents became more interested in the fascinating life of bees, a brand new generation of  beekeepers was formed. 

By training sessions, meetings with local beekeepers, movie nights and hands-on activities, Ananda Gaorii became a locally known paradise for pollinators. By approaching beekeeping as a community activity, the farm created beautiful apiculture products which are offered on local markets and online.

The term Madhu originates from the Sanskrit language and means “as sweet as honey,” and therefore perfectly represents the volunteers’ gentle approach to beekeeping. They live, learn and thrive together with the bees.

Until today, hundreds of visitors were introduced to the fascinating world of the bees through garden tours, workshops and products.

Beekeeping as an Empowerment Tool

The ongoing existence and success of Madhu proves that beekeeping empowers individuals and communities alike. It does not only provide Ananda Gaorii with an additional source of income, but also with a broad set of skills. 

Entrepreneurial Knowledge

From an entrepreneurial point of view, volunteers from all over Europe learn about Accounting, Marketing, Leadership, and Product Development.

Tools for Self-Empowerment

In order to organize support for the project, they reach out to politicians, businesses and local residents. They take their batch as Pollinator Ambassadors seriously and see it as their duty to inform others about the importance of pollinators in daily life. All decisions made regarding the bees are based on the principles of non-violent communication and sociocracy.

Ambassadorship for Pollinators

Last but not least, volunteers and visitors are being taught how to keep bees in harmony with Permaculture principles. As an important aspect of sustainable beekeeping, they know which flowers to plant and what other measures to take in order to support all pollinators.

Coaching for the European Solidarity Corps


Project Coaching


Courses in Project Management


Courses in EU Financing

