Mellíferas del Cerrato


A Solidarity Project in the mountains of Spain, supported by the beekeeping expertise of Pollinator Ambassadors

Project Year: 2020

What is Mellíferas del Cerrato

Mellíferas del Cerrato was an EU-funded Solidarity Project in the mountains of northern Spain, led by a group of six young men from Castilla y León. The initiative was born out of their concern for the decline of pollinators in their local ecosystem and their desire to take action. The group aimed to raise awareness about pollinators’ struggles and slow the migration of youth from rural areas by offering a sustainable path to environmental stewardship.

Die Lösung

In Präsentationen informieren Melliferas del Cerrato die breite Öffentlichkeit über Bestäuber, damit sie deren Herausforderungen im Ökosystem kennen und verstehen können. Durch Bildung auf Basis von Agrar- und Ökosystemdienstleistungen inspirieren sie andere junge Menschen, sich in ihrer ländlichen Umgebung zu engagieren.

Key Achievements

  • Engaged youth in pollinator conservation efforts and inspired a new generation of environmental leaders in rural Spain.
  • Delivered workshops and presentations to educate students and the general public on the importance of pollinators and the challenges they face.
  • Provided coaching in sustainable beekeeping, project management, and financing, helping the group build long-term sustainability for their initiative.

Project Support by Pollinator Ambassadors

As project coaches, Pollinator Ambassadors supported Mellíferas del Cerrato by providing:

  • Beekeeping Skills: Practical knowledge on sustainable apiculture to help the group care for their bees and contribute to pollinator conservation.
  • Project Management: Guidance on managing and executing the project, from setting clear goals to tracking progress and assessing success.

Reach Out

Pollinator Ambassadors is excited to offer project coaching for youth groups and EU-funded initiatives. If you are looking to create positive change in your community or need guidance in project management, financing, or beekeeping, we are here to help you succeed! 

This Project is funded by the European Union.