Empowering Pollinators, Projects and People

Who We Are

Was ist ein Bestäuber?

Ein Bestäuber ist ein Tier, das es Pflanzen ermöglicht, Früchte oder Samen zu produzieren. Durch das Tragen von Pollen von einer Blüte zur nächsten entstehen neue Samen, die zu neuen Pflanzen heranwachsen.

Warum sind Bestäuber wichtig?

Pollinators are crucial for maintaining stable and biodiverse habitats. They are also pollinating crops, thus securing food safety for all of us. Without pollinators, life’s hard!

Why are Ambassadors needed?

Worldwide, pollinators are declining in alarming numbers. They take biodiverse habitats, and the communities living there, with them. As ambassadors, we strive to regenerate pollinators and speak up for those who suffer most from biodiversity loss.

Everyone can be a Pollinator Ambassador!

We understand Pollinator Ambassadors as people, initiatives and businesses with the aim of protecting biodiversity. Reach out and we show you how!

Your experts in Biomimicry, Regenerative Beekeeping
and Biodiversity Policies.

About the Founders

We are Nadine Schuller and Nynke Blömer, biodiversity activists and experts in EU-based funding, regenerative beekeeping and biomimicry. Together, we make your business greener and your grassroots initiative more successful!

Kontaktieren Sie Uns


Impact Hub Vienna

Lindengasse 56

1070 Wien



Mobil & Whatsapp +43664/8232142

Email: contact@pollinatorambassadors.org

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