
We offer a wide range of workshops on regenerative beekeeping, hive-based leadership and project support for environmental initatives. We happily receive your request for both online and on-site formats. 

Online Workshop: Principles of Regenerative Beekeeping

Book a two-day workshop to learn about beekeeping with regenerative principles

Target Audience

Beekeeping Beginners
People interested in pollinators and conservation

Become a Pollinator Ambassador with this content

The Beekeeping Calendar
Bee and Ecosystem Health
Plant Knowledge
Wild Pollinators

This course combines all you need to know about regenerative beekeeping to become a true Pollinator Ambassador. 

Get your Certification

We will provide you with an official Pollinator Ambasssadors certificate for this course.

Dates, Pricing & Structure

Length: 2 sessions of 2,5 hours

Max. Number of Participants: 20

Dates: Upon request

Format: Online – contact us for a workshop at your institution

Teaching Language: English, Spanish, Dutch or German

Price: €50 p.P.

Corporate Workshops

Corporate workshops (online or in-person) inspire your team with nature-based, practical knowledge, increase knowledge and bring your team closer together. 

Learn while creating a positive impact!

Target Audience

Businesses and Organisations with the vision to regenerate nature

Certified Knowledge

Our workshops provide useful knowledge on leadership, nature regeneration and communication, based on the principles of biomimicry.
ou will receive a certification which proves your gained knowledge on regeneration, sustainability and pollinators.

CSR & CER by supporting small projects

By booking our Services you co-finance “Skills for Change Makers” for small-scale environmental initiatives. Our support helps them grow and do even more good for nature.

Dates, Pricing and Structure

Length: 3 hours (extensions possible)

Max. Number of Participants: 20

Price: 2,000 

By booking this course you will finance “Skills for Change-Makers”: 5 hours worth of capacity-building for a small-scale project in need!

Max. Number of Participants: 10

Dates: Upon request

Format: Online or on-site

Teaching Language: English, Spanish, Dutch or German

Choose from our workshop contents:

The Queen Bee: Leadership in the Hive

Want to lead like a queen bee? New
perspectives on nature-based leadership!

The Hive: Collective Decision-Making

Even in times of crisis, bees make perfect decisions. This teambuilding experiment shows you how!

This workshop creates true impact, based on the scientific principles of biomimicry. 

Drawing comparisons between the organizational structure of a beehive and businesses is an unprecedented approach to employee training and project consultancy.

Empowering Pollinators

Learn why pollinators matter, what threats they are facing, and how you can help! You will learn about the diversity, biological and agricultural importance of pollinators, their social structure and environmental needs. With this knowledge, you will be ready to develop your impactful plan of action.

Skills for Change Makers


We give environmentalists the specific knowledge they need to become leaders in today’s world-wide movement on conservation.

Target Audience

People with an urge to start an environmental initiative who look for skills to make them happen.

This workshop is particularly useful for European youth-led initiatives!

Why Skills for Change Makers?

You want to become active in ecological regeneration, but you don’t know how to get started? You need support in financing, planning projects or finding team members? This workshop helps you to realise your project in an ecologically and financially sustainable way. If you know which direction you want to go, we take you by the hand. 

Tools for Self-Empowerment

From an entrepreneurial point of view,  learn about accounting, marketing, leadership, and strategic decisions for your enviornmental project.

The workshop includes

  • EU-Level Funding Acquisition
  • Project Management
  • Teambuilding
Pricing & Structure

Length: 5 hours

Max. Number of Participants: 10

Dates: You choose!
Format: Online or on-site

Teaching Language: You can choose from: English, Spanish, Dutch, German

Price: €500
or apply to be co-financed by a Corporate Workshop Partner!

The Pollinator Ambassadors have been fantastic beekeeping teachers.
Nani is passionate about bees and knows how to care for them in the most ethical way. She knows a lot and shares their expertise, both theoretical and practical, with patience and enthusiasm. Nani is as considerate of her students as she is of the bees.
Attending Nani’s workshops has inspired me to do more to help all pollinators...

Dorothee M., France

European Voluntary Service

I knew how important bees are for the world. But after a beekeeping workshop with Nadine I learned not only about their importance, but also how interesting and amazing bees are!
"Oh wow, really?!" Was a common reaction as Nadine was teaching me and others about the bees and their lives.
Nadine is a great beekeeper and she has the gift to touch people's heart with her love for these creatures, and so she did with mine. After the workshop I felt so much love for the bees that I decided to go deeper and start to work with them, helping in the apiculture project that Nadine started in Ananda Gaorii.

Soraia M., Portugal

European Voluntary Service

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Happy Collaborator
