The Tour for Pollinators

Saving bees by bike? We did it! Our mission: inspiration, connection and capacity-building.

The Challenge

Honey bees, bumblebees, butterflies, moths, and hoverflies – they all deserve our attention. 70 percent of the world’s 124 major crops rely on insect pollination. In Europe, the figure is as high as 84 percent.  This makes the results of a long-term study all the more worrying: the flying insect biomass has declined by 75 percent in the last 27 years! Pollinators suffer from industrial agriculture, invasive species, habitat loss, air pollution and climate change. Although biodiversity loss is always a topic in the media, public awareness of this problem is shockingly low.

The Solution

Bees are a symbol for all pollinators, because without them we’ll not only miss honey, but basic nutrition because they are important pollinators! This is why we believe beekeepers to be the perfect ampassadors for all pollinators. They have a broad knowledge and know the natural environment like the back of their hands. On the “BikeForBees” tour through Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, Nadine invited beekeepers, young people and locals to a dialogue about biodiversity, pollination and the role of humans in our ecosystem. Cycling allowed spontaneous encounters with locals and breathtaking views of landscapes, down to the smallest inhabitants – pollinators. Pollinators and biodiversity were highlighted via social media and on-site. We also promoted CO2-neutral mobility, and to inspire people to exercise and explore nature.

How it went

The bike tour started in Austria on June 20th, 2021. Throughout the four countries visited, Nadine Schuller gave 10 workshops on the road and learned so much! She biked for 27 days with an average distance of 48km, and 565m of altitude.

In total, the adventurer biked 1300km for the bees and climbed 15,240m of altitude during an average temperature of 30°Celsius in daytime. During the whole journey, Nynke supported her with reporting, social media and just being a great friend and listener!

After many fascinating planned and unplanned encounters, sore muscles, bumpy roads and breathtaking landscapes, Pollinator Ambassadors will keep sharing her fascination for pollinators. Many people were  inspired to become ambassadors for pollinators themselves, so that future generations can live in an intact ecosystem. 

40 Days on the Road

1300 km Distance

15240m Altitude

10 Workshops given


The Inspiration

The idea for #BikeForBees arose from a 2-month cycling journey through Greece and Turkey. Cycling is a great way to connect people and share knowledge. Why not do it for the benefit of pollinators?

Kick-Off: Austria

Day 1 started with the presence of Nadine’s family and representatives of her municipality . It was such a beautiful experience to see them all come together to wish her luck in her endeavor to save pollinators.

Slovenian Bee Expertise

The journey through Slovenia was packed with cultural events around honeybees. How can urban beekeeping work in Maribor? Why do tourist guides join beekeeper associations, and what is the Ljubljana Bee Path? Nadine met important ambassadors for pollinators in the field of archeology, landscape architecture and policy-making.

Educational Materials

10 on-site workshops were held. Nynke Blömer designed posters on funding opportunities and pollinators, which we donated to each visited youth group and to beekeepers.

Promotion of the EU Pollinator Initiative

Did you know that the European Union gives away educational materials and games for free? In Italy, the guides from Wild Routes explored the ‘Know your Pollinators’ memory cards and they immediately shared them with a fascinated group of kids. Imagine learning about biodiversity through field trips, playing cards or drawing. Wouldn’t that make a difference on how we engage with nature as adults too?

What Do You(th) Need?

One particular question Nadine explored were the obstacles for youth to takefurther action for biodiversity. There are so many active Europeans out there! What do they enjoy, what are their motivations and how can we help them to progress?

Pollinator Ambassadorship in Action

People from all walks of life proved that everybody can be active for pollinators. You don’t need to have a big garden to make meaningful impact.


Cycling 1300km in the summer heat takes up energy. Nadine promoted and enjoyed camping every night – a great way to reconnect to nature. Together with cycling, it is a low-impact way of traveling!

It is done!

Six weeks later, tired and full of new connections, we gratefully close this journey. We would like to thank all participants, collaborators and waves and smiles along the road.

But don’t think this campaign is over yet!
We hope for #BikeForBees to become a yearly adventure. Please reach out to share your thoughts. Let’s make it happen again!


June 20th – June 23th 2021

The tour started in Sieghartskirchen, a small village close to Vienna, where Nadine was born. From there she headed south. Nadine escaped a thunderstorm in the Styrian hills, just to cross over to Slovenia right on time.


June 24th – July 3rd, 2021

Nadine was warmly received by the Slovenians and got to know apitourisic sights in Maribor, Celje and Ljublljana. She held workshops and connected to several enthusiastic beekeepers. 


July 4th to July 10th, 2021

Gorizia, what a lovely sound!  From here Nadine headed north again and connected with mountaineers and nature guides on the subject of pollinators.


July 10th to August 1st, 2021

The longest and most adventurous journey awaited Nadine in Croatia, where she explored biodiverse landscapes and both inspired and was inspired by local pollinator advocates.

We would like to thank all supporters who made life as a traveler and Pollinator Ambassador a little easier with donations, hot meals and high-quality gear. 

Contact us


Imapct Hub Vienna

Lindengasse 56

1070 Wien


Get in touch to have questions answered and to get inspired!

Contact Details

Phone & Whatsapp: +43664/8232142

Email: contact@pollinatorambassadors.org
